
Connect FireHydrant services to OpsLevel and see their current statuses in your context-rich service catalog.

Integrating OpsLevel and FireHydrant makes it easy for anyone in your engineering organization to see real-time service status alongside the complete context of your service catalog.

SREs, platform engineering, or engineering management can use OpsLevel to ensure FireHydrant is deployed to all the appropriate services across your architecture.

How it Works

OpsLevel’s FireHydrant integration listens for any status changes in your associated FireHydrant incidents. When
initially configured, it automatically create a webhook in FireHydrant to subscribe to all notifications about incidents

Status Levels

The relationship between FireHydrant incidents and linked alert sources on OpsLevel services follows the below pattern:

FireHydrant incident LifecycleLinked OpsLevel service
Startedred Alert state
Activeorange Warn state
Post-Incidentgreen OK state
Closedgreen OK state

FireHydrant Usage Checks

For guidance on setting up a tool usage check to verify FireHydrant is used on all services in your catalog, read more
on Service Maturity and check types here.


1. API Key

Configuring the FireHydrant Integration in OpsLevel requires a FireHydrant API key.

Additionally, the user setting up the integration will require sufficient permissions - usually the Admin role - in
FireHydrant to be able to set up webhooks to send real-time updates about incidents to OpsLevel.


OpsLevel support is available at [email protected] or via your shared OpsLevel Slack


Installing the FireHydrant integration can be completed in seconds.

  1. In the OpsLevel app, from the left-hand menu, navigate to Integrations and click the New Integration tile.

  2. Click the FireHydrant tile and then enter your FireHydrant API key

  3. OpsLevel will attempt to create a Webhook automatically. To check that Webhook is configured, declare incident in FireHydrant, it should appear in Integration Show page

  4. If it fails within 30 minutes, you can copy the Webhook URL and manually add it to FireHydrant.

  5. Create Webhook in FireHydrant Setting page. Settings → Integrations → Webhooks

  6. Declare incident in FireHydrant, it should appear in Integration Show page

How to attach a FireHydrant catalog entry to a service in OpsLevel

There are two ways to attach a FireHydrant catalog entry to an OpsLevel service. Automatic and

Automatic attachment

A FireHydrant catalog entry will be automatically linked to an OpsLevel service if the names match exactly, or any given aliases of the catalog entry match any of the aliases of the service.

Manual attachment

First, navigate to the Operations tab of an OpsLevel service.

  1. Select Add Alert Sources
  2. In the drop-down menu, find and select the correct FireHydrant catalog entry (you can type its name to search)
  3. Click the Add Alert Sources button on the dialog box to save your selection(s)