Configuring Actions Manual Inputs

Manual inputs allow users to add contextual information to an action as it is being invoked. They are defined using YAML markup. The screenshot below shows an example of manual inputs configured for an action that allows a developer to provision an S3 bucket:

The schema supports two root level keys:

versionThe schema version (current version: 1).
inputsA list of input objects. See the Input Object Schema for more information.

Example configuration (this configuration is the yaml that drives the example screenshot above):

version: 1
- identifier: bucketName
  required: true
  type: text_input
  displayName: Bucket Name
  description: The name of the S3 bucket that will be provisioned
  maxLength: 20
  defaultValue: my-bucket
  pattern: "^[\\w-]+$" # Note: the escaped backslash.

- identifier: bucketDescription
  required: false
  type: text_area
  displayName: Bucket Description
  description: The description of the S3 bucket that will be provisioned
  placeholder: Enter the description

- identifier: region
  required: true
  type: dropdown
  displayName: AWS Region
  description: The AWS Region that the bucket will be provisioned in
  defaultValue: us-west-2
    - us-west-1
    - us-west-2
    - us-east-1

Input object schema

All inputs require the following properties:

identifiertrueDefine how to reference the input’s value from the action’s context.
labeltrueThe input title displayed to the invoking user.
typetrueSupported types: text_input, text_area, and dropdown.

The input schema also contains additional optional properties. Whether or not these optional properties are allowed can depend on the value provided to the type property.

PropertyDescriptiontext_input typetext_area typedropdown type
bindingThe configuration details for fetching catalog data to populate the values for a dropdown input. Note: exactly one of binding or values must be set for inputs with dropdowntype.
defaultValueThe initial value for this input.
defaultValueExpressionA jq expression for the initial value of this input. Allows for dynamic default values based on other manual inputs. Note: only one of defaultValue or defaultValueExpression may be used for a field.
descriptionAdditional information displayed to the invoking user. This field supports Markdown.
maxLengthThe invoking user will receive an error if they invoke the action with a value longer than maxLength.
multipleIndicates the field supports selecting multiple values, if set to true. Defaults to false if not provided.
patternThe invoking user will receive an error if they attempt to submit an input which does not match this regular expression. Note: Backslashes must be escaped. \\w must be written as \\\\w.
placeholderThe input placeholder displayed to the invoking user.
requiredThe invoking user will receive an error if they invoke the action without providing a value to this input.
sensitiveIndicates the field contains a sensitive value (e.g. a password). The value will be obfuscated when executing the action and when viewing the execution history.
valuesThe select options available to the invoking user. Note: exactly one of binding or values must be set for inputs with dropdowntype.
visibilityExpressionA jq expression for the visibility of this input. Allows for conditional visibility based on other manual inputs. Fields are visible by default unless visibilityExpression is defined and does not evaluate to true.

Values Schema

The values array allows for two methods of configuration:

  • Value only:


    • value1
    • value2
  • Value and Display:


    • value: value1
      display: display 1
    • value: value2
      display: display 2

Binding Schema

The binding option allows the use of catalog data in Actions dropdowns, and replaces manual enumeration of dropdown options. This ensures that dropdown data is in sync with the catalog. The following properties are supported for the binding object.

resourcetrueThe named OpsLevel resource used to populate the dropdown items. Supported values: environments, teams, systems, domains, and infrastructure.
filtersfalseAn array of filters, each with a field key and a value key, used to limit the field to a subset of the bound resources. Only valid when resource is set to infrastructure.

The following filter fields are supported for the infrastructure resource binding:

provider_resource_typeThe type of the resource according to the upstream provider (e.g. "EC2", "RDS", "S3", etc).
source.external_account_idThe account ID of the source integration (e.g. the AWS account ID).
source.typeThe type of the source integration (e.g. "AWS", "GCP", etc).
typeThe type of the infrastructure resource in OpsLevel (e.g. "Compute", "Database", "File Storage").

Dropdown configuration examples

version: 1
  - identifier: value_only_example
    displayName: Value Only Example
    description: This input shows a dropdown using value-only configurations
    type: dropdown
    - us-west-1
    - us-west-2
    - us-east-1
    defaultValue: us-west-2
    required: true
  - identifier: value_and_display_example
    displayName: Value And Display Example
    description: This input shows a dropdown using value and display configurations
    type: dropdown
    - value: us-west-1
      display: US West 1
    - value: us-west-2
      display: US West 2
    - value: us-east-1
      display: US East
    defaultValue: us-west-2
    required: true
  - identifier: mixed_example
    displayName: Mixed Example
    description: This input shows a dropdown using a mix of value-only and value and display configurations
    type: dropdown
    - value: us-west-1
      display: US West Primary
    - us-west-2
    - value: us-east-1
      display: US East
    defaultValue: us-west-2
    required: true
  - identifier: binding_example
    displayName: Example using fetched data
    description: This input is populated from teams data from OpsLevel.
    type: dropdown
      resource: teams
    required: true
  - identifier: filtered_binding_example
    displayName: Example using filtered fetched data
    description: This input is populated with EC2 instances, from infrastructure data from OpsLevel.
    type: dropdown
      resource: infrastructure
      	- field: provider_resource_type
        - value: EC2
    required: true

Visibility and Default Value Expressions

visibilityExpression and defaultValueExpression must be valid jq expressions. For both expressions, other inputs in the form can be accessed under .manualInputs using their identifiers.

By default, inputs are visible unless visibilityExpression is defined and evaluates to something other than true. defaultValueExpression enables dynamic default values based on other manual inputs. Note that only one ofdefaultValueExpression or defaultValue may be used for a given field.

The example below lets users choose an environment and bucket name. If the user selects Production for the environment, then the default value for region becomes us-east-1 and the Enable Versioning field becomes visible.

version: 1
  - identifier: environment
    displayName: Environment
    type: dropdown
      - Staging
      - Production
    required: true
    defaultValue: Staging

  - identifier: bucket_name
    displayName: S3 Bucket Name
    type: text_input
    placeholder: Enter the bucket name
    required: true

  - identifier: region
    displayName: AWS Region
    type: dropdown
      - us-east-1
      - us-west-1
      - eu-central-1
    defaultValueExpression: |
      if .manualInputs.environment == "Production" then "us-west-1" else "us-east-1" end
    required: true

  - identifier: enable_versioning
    displayName: Enable Versioning
    type: dropdown
      - "true"
      - "false"
    visibilityExpression: .manualInputs.environment == "Production"
    defaultValue: "true"
    required: true