Feature Management
Enable and disable Beta and Advanced features.
Feature Toggles
Some features are not on for all users. Sometimes this is because we are releasing them carefully to a sub-set of customers, sometimes this is because they are still in testing, and sometimes this is because they are not needed by all customers.
Changing feature status
Note: You must have an Admin role to configure your account's Feature Toggles
- Navigate to the Account page
- Scroll to the Feature Management section
- Click the switch on a feature you want to toggle

Types of feature toggles
There are different types of feature toggles available to account administrators. The vast majority of our features are appropriate for organizations of all sizes and complexities (Generally Available). Advanced or specialized features may be controlled with feature toggles. Don't worry: if you ignore feature toggles entirely, you'll still get all the OpsLevel features we recommend for all customers!
Some feature toggles are longer lasting and not for all organizations. They might be useful for organizations at certain size complexities, or confusing for organizations that are just starting their maturity journey.
Any feature with an Advanced tag will likely be on this list for an extended period of time.
Some features we release go through an extremely early feedback-gathering process where we want to collaborate with interested customers to see if there is appetite for a feature. There may be significant and large changes that come. We may even scrap it entirely. Enable these features to help us shape the direction of the product.
Features with a Alpha tag will be in this list for no more than a few months, before they are removed or move to Beta status.
Most features we release go through a beta-testing process where we roll them out in staged releases. If the roll-out will be particularly long, we will expose them to administrator control through a feature toggle.
Features with a Beta tag will be in this list for no more than a few months, before they move to GA status.
Generally available (GA)
The vast majority of our features fall into this category. For the most part, we don't keep things showing in Feature Management for very long. If something is generally available, we go through a code-cleanup process and enable it for all accounts.
Any feature with a GA tag will likely be in this list for no more than a few weeks, because it is a core feature of OpsLevel.
Updated 11 months ago